Monday, July 9, 2007

one more thing--

Here are some of the bash memories already collected so far:
- Jacob communicating with his keyboard
- seeing Adam's boat arrive to shore one late afternoon
- the parade & Adam's boat (w passengers) in the parade
- singing at Deauville
- up on the roof w Nancy, music, reiki
- freezing water
- one nice day in the water - Friday
- injury of the Bash: Nigel by far, Nancy's foot
- cops on the beach
- guitar-totin' mushroom takin' dudes at the bonfire
- Chrissy dancing and ?
- pie in the face for ed
- horseshoes!
- food
- young adult bodies lying around the house
- great fireworks
- newcomer Dave - a good time w him
- newcomer Kate
- Samantha's birthday
- Ed, Lyn, Keith & Ella on the beach late at night - Ella is new
'responsible adult'
- bird attacking Reed
- bicycle rentals
- sunburn from sleeping on the beach
- photos in early morning at the water at low tide
- riding the waves w Kevin
- in the water w Jennifer once again - fun
- Ken Austin
- jam and bread

PS: Check back for pictures soon!!


Austin said...

These are memories from last year, Princess!

Ed Tettemer; Shunpiker said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Princess Christine is unable to differentiate from one year to the next. Please disregard. She lives on a higher plane than most mortal men and knows no boundaries in the time-space continuum. There was no pie in Ed's face this year but Princess Christine remembers quite clearly a piece of Samantha's ice-cream cake in Ed's face from three years from now.

Princess Chrissy said...

you may be right, but i thought i ought to post them anyway, as a kick-off!